Grand Coulee Dam All High School Reunion Page 6/19-21/2020
Classmate Profiles
Sharee (Sharon) Odegard (Gigous)
Growing up in Coulee, for me, was really a Beaver Cleaver childhood. Grandma, auntie and cousins living a few houses down from my family on Yucca St. Really, it was an ideal place to be a kid. The Rawleys, Zowadas, Goldens, Mr. and Mrs. McCormick lived next door to my grandma for awhile, the Wineski's (phonetic sp only here, folks) cool Bob Seidl and cute Jimmy Connor, the Vallette girls, Donald Butts next door; 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Burns, Tommy Parks family across the street from us and then there was my 8th grade teacher who threw a piece of chalk at my head..quit talking, Sharon! That was just half of Yucca. I used to babysit for Rick Luiten who lived on the other half along w/Sandy Hudnall, McMananmas, sp? There were many more on that half that I'm forgetting I'm sure. After graduating from HS, I went to college at NNC in Nampa, ID for a couple of quarters; left to live/work in Renton for Boeing; met my mister, Keith, cruising around at Dag's Drive-In one Saturday nite. Woo woo...sparks flew. Wasn't long til we married. Laurie and Andy came along and we settled in to raise our family. They're grown w/kidlets of their own now, 8 of 'em ages 15 to 3. After the kids left home, I went back to school to learn how to translate what court reporters key into those little machines they use. I edited transcripts for court reporters from home via specialized software for a few years - that was great. But my best "job" was being a mom. Along the way, I sang with a few ladies in Coulee when Keith and I lived there...hi Bonnie Wendt! Then with GladHeart a Southern gospel group I put together. Not we did travel some to sing for various church functions and special services. Music has always been my heart. Keith passed away in 2011 and now it's just me in our 1900s farmhouse nestled snugly in the middle of the woods but still only 5 miles from the Gig Harbor Costco. I LOVE THAT PLACE! From my office window I just spied a doe having her supper down in the clearing close to the woods. I love it here and feel very blessed to live in such beautiful surroundings - just like I know I was blessed to live and be raised in Coulee Country growing up with you all. My memories are precious and will never leave my heart.
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